Trustworthy Realtors.

Generous Rebates.

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*Rebates are based on a 3 percent commission and may vary

Why Choose Relocal Move

We take the stress and guesswork out of the real estate transaction process.

Relocal Move
Realtor Vetting Complete
XSpend Hours Reviewing Realtors
20% Rebate After Closing
XNo Money Back After Closing
Dedicated Relocal Move Concierge
XNo Additional Support
Mortgage Lender Vetting Complete
XSpend Hours Reviewing Lenders
Free Appraisal With Our Lender
XPay Additional For Own Appraisal
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Let’s Get Started

Schedule a ten-minute phone call with a Relocal Representative. In our initial call we will go over the program in detail, answer any questions you have, discuss next steps, and prepare you for success!

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